Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz
Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz

Gut Health Supplement - Colostrum for Dogs and Cats -2.5oz

Gut Health Our 2.5oz Gut Health Colostrum for Dogs and Cats is a palatable and effective way to support health digestion...

Key Ingredients

  • Grass-fed Bovine Colostrum (14% IgG), Whole Plant Hemp Extract (CBD, cannabinoids & terpenes), Organic Blueberry Powder


  • Start with a small amount daily for best results and improved digestion.
  • 1/3-1/2 scoop per 50lbs. body weight 1-2 times daily, or on an as-needed basis.
  • 30 scoops total.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
  • Every pet is different so results may vary depending on size, age, breed and predisposition. Our Colostrum for Cats & Dogs, combined with Whole Plant Hemp Extract with a full-spectrum of CBD, cannabinoids and terpenes are an individualized supplement and have to be monitored on an as-needed basis.

Recommended Dosage

1/3 scoop per 1-30lb of body weight 1-2x's daily
1/3-1/2 scoop per 31-50lb of body weight 1-2x's daily
1/2 scoop per 50+lb of body weight 1-2x's daily

Gut Health

Our 2.5oz Gut Health Colostrum for Dogs and Cats is a palatable and effective way to support health digestion for your pet. The colostrum powder is sourced from non-gmo fed cows in Canada and captured within the first 24-48hrs of milking. This guarantees our Immunoglobulin levels, which help balance good and bad bacteria in the gut microbiome. Bovine Colostrum is also packed with beneficial nutrients to support healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.

We also add the purest and natural form of Kief CBD for dogs and cats to support a healthy inflammatory response in the gut. This creates a synergistic effect for the gut microbiome of balancing bacteria and improving GI upset in dogs and cats, which is an inflammatory process.

Colostrum for Dogs FAQs

What Is Colostrum?

So, what's colostrum?

Colostrum is a nutrient-rich milk substance that nursing mammals produce for their young. In essence, it's a mother's first milk, which is known to be an excellent source of immunoglobulins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Research shows it's also great for the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, and joint health (especially in dogs!)

Colostrum is packed with nutrients, antibodies, enzymes, proteins, and fats that are vital to the development and growth of offspring. This is what sets young animals up for success later in life! Giving your dog or cat organic colostrum supplements may help boost their health and longevity.

What Are the Benefits of Colostrum for Dogs?

We use grass-fed bovine colostrum in our best colostrum supplements, which contain IgA and 14% IgG. The high amount of IgA and IgG in bovine colostrum is why it's such a powerful ingredient! Bovine colostrum has been show to increase microbiota diversity in the gut, which can increase the immune response.

All in all, it's one of the best natural supplements to add to your dog's daily diet!

So, what are all the excellent ways that colostrum can help your furry friend?

  • Promotes immunity: Colostrum can help maintain immune function thanks to the high levels of immunoglobulins, which contain antibodies that help support the immune system and fight off bad bacteria. This is especially helpful for puppies or kittens since their immune response is still developing.

  • Supports joint health: Puppies and kittens aren't the only ones who can benefit from a bovine colostrum powder. Senior dogs and cats can, too! Bovine colostrum contains growth factors that can help support joint health, which can improve mobility and reduce stiffness.

  • Aids digestion: Bovine colostrum powder for dogs can support a healthy gut and help the digestive tract. This powerhouse ingredient contains digestive enzymes that help break down food and aid nutrient absorption. This can be particularly helpful if your furry friend has a leaky gut or issues digesting food.

Why Is Colostrum So Good for Dogs?

Why, indeed? Bovine colostrum is rich in all sorts of nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes that support the overall health of your best bud. It also contains IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies, as well as lactoferrin, bioactive compounds, and proline-rich polypeptides (PRP).

All of these work together in order to support a healthy immune system, relieve allergy symptoms, manage gastrointestinal disorders, speed up wound healing, and much more.

Where Does Colostrum Come From?

Our colostrum is sourced from GMO-free and grass-fed cows within the first 48 hours of the calf's birth. During this time, the mother cow produces an excess amount of colostrum, which is sourced and spray-dried into a powdered form. A third-party laboratory then tests our bovine colostrum powder for purity, potency, and safety.

Our bovine colostrum powder contains 14% IgG and a high amount of fat, which is particularly beneficial for pets. When used correctly, it can help your furry friend live a healthier and happier life!

How Does Colostrum Work to Help Fight My Dog’s Allergies?

Colostrum contains something known as proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs). PRPs are one of the main components of colostrum that can help with allergies.

Colostrum can help regulate T and B cells (thymus gland and immune cells) that can help maintain the immune system. It can also supply immunoglobulins to promote a healthy gut and strong immune response.

How Do I Give My Dog Colostrum?

It's best to give your furry friend nutritional supplementation (which includes bovine colostrum supplements) at mealtime. This will help with nutrient absorption and reduce stomach upset.

Here's how to use this bovine colostrum supplement:

  1. Keep in mind you should always start with a small dose. You can increase or decrease from there.

  2. Give your furry friend 1/3 to 1/2 scoop per 50 lbs of body weight. You can give this to your dog 1 to 2 times daily.

  3. The results may vary based on your dog's size, age, activity level, genetics, breed, and predisposition. Every pet is different!

If you need more insight or information on dosage, check out our CBD Dosage Guide.

Is There Research on the Benefits of Colostrum?

Yes! Our products are backed by research about the benefits and insights of each ingredient. There is an abundance of research on the effects of bovine colostrum on dogs and animals.

Check out these studies for more information:

  • Supplementation of diets with bovine colostrum influences immune function in dogs (Read study)

  • Bovine Colostrum: Its Constituents and Uses (Read study)

  • Colostrum and milk-derived peptide growth factors for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (Read study)

  • Perspectives on immunoglobulins in colostrum and milk (Read study)

  • Bovine colostrum is a health food supplement which prevents NSAID induced gut damage (Read study)

  • Benefits of Bovine Colostrum on Fecal Quality in Recently Weaned Puppies (Read study)




  • Colostrum contains a high amount of healthy fats to support healthy skin & coat.
  • Bovine Colostrum is rich in digestive enzymes (IgG) to support a balance gut microbiome for dogs and cats.
  • Great for food transitioning to help support sensitive dog or cat digestion.
  • Improves Cat and dog gut health with issues like diarrhea, gas, or immune function.